
Episode 15: Ren & Du Meridian

This is Episode 15 of our Meridian Health Therapy.

In this episode, we talk about the importance of the ren & du meridians. The ren meridian encompasses all 6 yin meridians in our body, while the du meridian encompasses the other 6 yang meridians in our body.

Blockages of the ren meridian may lead to various gynaecological issues, digestive problems, prostate problems and erectile dysfunction.

Blockages of the du meridian on the other hand, may lead to insomnia,  urinary system disorders, backaches, slipped discs, sciatic nerve issues, among many others.

Through her 40 years of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Mary Tan, principal of I-Beauty Medispa, emphasizes the effectiveness of sound therapy, being applied to meridian health.

This article is taken from zzthealth.

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