
Ah Eng Lost 10kgs And No More Knee Pain!

When Ah Eng first came to us and we told her she needs to lose 15kgs, she said ‘impossible!’ Well, look at her now! Ah Eng was recommended to us by her friend, who was our weight-loss programme’s client. Ah Eng has been suffering from knee joint pains for many years. A main part of the reason was due to her being overweight. Before coming to us, her doctor suggested her to get a kneecap replacement surgery. But Ah Eng has heard many negative feedback from friends who have done so. Hence, she did not hesitate when one of her friends recommended her to us.

8 weeks on, Ah Eng lost 11 kgs and 7.3% of body fat. She said: ” Never in my life have i thought that i could fit back into my clothes from 20 years ago! I feel so energetic and light. I sleep much better now. and most importantly, my knee pains have reduced significantly. i am looking forward to losing another 5kg. This is the best investment i have ever made!”

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